CCU-RPA 2023-2024年日历
Retired faculty and staff of Campbellsville大学 are invited to join the newly-created CU-退休人员协会 or CU-RPA, 旨在提供“连接”, continuity and communication” (3Cs) among all retired faculty and staff and Campbellsville大学.
CU-RPA will provide an opportunity for CU retired employees to continue being a part of the CU family, to get together socially for luncheons and regular meetings and to be involved in CU activities.
推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站是一所综合性大学, 提供非学分技术课程的基督教机构, 连同证书一起, 的同事, 本科和研究生课程. The university is dedicated to academic excellence solidly grounded in the liberal arts that fosters personal growth, integrity and professional preparation within a caring environment. The university prepares students as Christian servant leaders for life-long learning, continued scholarship by linking discovery research to knowledge at the doctoral level, 并积极参与多元化, 全球化的社会.
The vision of CU-RPA is to encourage retired faculty and staff to remain actively engaged, 随你的便, 在推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的生活中, 在学术, 教育, 在校园和社区开展学术和文化活动.
CU-RPA的使命 supports the Campbellsville大学 mission to model servant leadership and effective stewardship of time, 人才与奖学金. Its mission is to 1) celebrate the role of retired faculty and staff for their many years of service to higher education, 对众多的学生和大学, 2) to advocate for their special concerns and interests of its members and 3) to provide opportunities for the members to continue participating in the university’s activities as desired.
2023年1月. 约瑟夫·霍普金斯, 推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站校长, appointed a founding committee to oversee the development of an organization for retired CU faculty and staff. The committee members met several times on campus during the spring semester and early summer of 2023 to develop drafts of key documents such as 章程 and 会员 Forms. The founding committee members were supported at meetings and electronically by the following administration of CU:
制定了CU-RPA章程, reviewed and revised several times by the founding committee during the spring of 2023. The current edition represents discussion and decisions about the by-laws at those meetings and will be reviewed and approved by the CU-RPA membership.
I. 名字
II. 目的
3. 会员
IV. 费
V. 投票权
VI. 政府
7. 会议
8. 军官
XI: 章程
根据 CU-RPA章程八, there will be a Board of Directors, initially consisting of the officers.
The Board/officers shall be elected by the membership during the last meeting of the fiscal year which is July through June each year. 军官可以自己继任. 在成立年度,军官可能是志愿者.
总统: 斯坦·麦金尼
副总裁/当选总统: Dr. 贝弗莉埃尼斯
秘书: 琼·麦金尼
财务主管: Dr. 卡罗尔·加里森
CU-RPA will initially meet at least once each term and once in the summer.
Other meetings may be set by the Board of Directors/军官 as desired. Some meetings may be virtual to accommodate members who live a distance from the university. These may include fall and spring full membership meetings plus committee meetings. 所有的业务, committee and special meetings will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, 最新版.
All officially retired CU employees, shall be considered eligible for membership. 缴纳会费后才可成为会员. 退休成员包括非cu配偶/伴侣, 包括已故退休教职员工. 批准, membership may be granted for faculty/staff and others who have served CU many years but do not meet the official retirement criteria. Only official members will have voting rights at business meetings.
在CURPA第一年的成员, 7月1日, 2023年至6月30日, 2024, 会被视为创始成员吗.
The Board of Directors shall propose annual membership dues, ratified by the general membership. The Board also has the option of establishing life-time membership dues. CU-RPA除了会费之外没有其他收入来源. Once the board and officers are in place, the CU-RPA budget may be developed.
年费于7月1日支付,不迟于9月1日. 不合格的会员将被剥夺投票权. 创始委员会将会费定为15美元.每年00英镑,包括非中大受雇配偶/伴侣.
Members may also contribute toward a CU-RPA Scholarship fund which can be awarded based on criteria to be established by the membership. Please include separate checks for membership/T-shirts and for scholarship contributions.
We invite you to join CU-RPA and continue being a part of the CU family!!
* 邮寄:
会员可以订购两种设计的CU-RPA t恤 & 教师退休
* 邮寄:
请考虑捐款给加州大学rpa奖学金基金, 通过开发办公室的指定帐户建立. 一旦会员开始开会, the name of the scholarship and the frequency and criteria for awarding it will be determined.
向CU-RPA奖学金基金捐款 CU-RPA Scholarship, Campbellsville大学, UPO 941, 坎贝尔斯维尔,肯塔基42718
在此向中大- rpa奖学金基金网上捐款: 给在线 Please write CU-RPA in the Designated Funds box under the donation amount.
First Meeting: Meet/Greet at the 同学会 Picnic on Saturday, 9/23
邮件: CU-RPA, Campbellsville大学, UPO Box 941, 坎贝尔斯维尔,肯塔基42718
电子邮件: curpa@alexwoodsells.com